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10 Things About Radio That May Surprise Brands

date 13th February 2023
user Post by Sheridan Hill

To celebrate World Radio Day, TRB as part of The World Radio Alliance and egta, the association of TV and radio advertising sales houses, have uncovered ten facts about radio that may surprise brands. The compelling insights and argumentation, often unknown to marketers, are backed by data and research from around the globe.

The full slide deck with research is available for download at www.worldradioalliance.com, showcasing the following 10 points:

  1. Radio allows brands to reach millions of people on a daily basis.
  2. Radio dominates the booming audio landscape.
  3. Radio has a huge share of the under-35 age group.
  4. Radio is listened to all day, not just during breakfast and drive time.
  5. Radio is the number one medium in connected cars; exactly as consumers want.
  6. Radio must be a part of any optimal media plan.
  7. Radio comes with a truckload of ROI and sales lift evidence to support your choice.
  8. Radio drives your digital KPIs.
  9. Radio is so much more than a call-to-action media.
  10. Radio ads are as creative as TV and posters.
  11. Bonus. Radio offers a trusted, safe and sustainable environment.

The full deck available here: https://cli.re/wrd_2023_10_facts_about_radio_PDF

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